Steph Claire Smith Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Steph Claire Smith is a popular model who has a solid Instagram following. If you are among millions of her followers and you are impressed by the way she looks, then you need to scroll down to know her workout secrets and diet plan mentioned right here. You should also try to follow some simple winter body tips mentioned by the diva.

Steph Claire Smith 2018 Workout Secrets and Diet Plan

Diet Plan

Early Morning

The beauty starts her day at 7.30 a.m. with some water and English breakfast tea with a bit of milk.


During breakfast, she likes to have Bob’s Red Mill Organic Creamy Buckwheat Hot Cereal with cacao nibs, dark roasted peanut butter, Meredith Dairy Natural Pot Set Goat Milk Yogurt and OOB Organic Frozen Blueberries.

This breakfast is perfect for her as it keeps her brain and body energized while keeping her tummy happy. On some days, she has a BOOST Gym Junkie smoothie.

During weekends, the breakfast usually includes smashed avocado on gluten-free toast and accompanied by halloumi and spinach.


She has the lunch at 12.30 p.m. in which the main dish is smashed avocado on gluten-free bread with goat cheese, poached eggs, seeds, chili, and spinach.

Afternoon Snack

A few hours after lunch, she likes to indulge in a green smoothie. Sometimes, she has a chopped-up jazz apple with peanut butter on top.


During dinner, the beauty likes to cook meals like a spicy roast chicken with some roasted vegetables. She also likes a chicken dish on KIC, sticky chicken that is made with the help of peanut butter and is usually served with garlic broccoli.


The stunner likes to indulge in Morlife Dark Chocolate Goji Berries. She is also a fan of cabernet sauvignon red wine and often indulges in it. She follows the 80/20 rule, eating smart 80 percent of the times while indulging 20 percent of the time.

Preferred Workout

Steph is a fan of boxing and has been doing it for a few months now. This exercise makes her sweat a lot and she feels strong from the inside.

Abs Secret

Smith likes to fit in a 5-minute ab routine in every exercise session. She also does a lot of plank exercises.

Workout Schedule

The successful model likes to workout 6 days a week and has a rest day every week to let her body recover.

Not Seeking Perfection

Despite being a gorgeous looking woman, she says that she has a few flaws and she accepts them. She is not chasing perfection. Being healthy matters a lot to her because when she is healthy, she feels happy.

She also knows her body well and changes her workouts and diets to suit the need of the hour. For instance, before every big shoot, she switches from the 80/20 rule to 90/10 rule to ensure that she remains healthy and still looks great.

Winter Body Tips for Steph Claire Smith Fans

  • Set Health Goals

Write down your health goals that could be anything from choosing healthy treats to doing six workouts a week. Reward yourself on every little achievement to stay on the fitness path.

  • Stay Motivated

Find a friend who will work out with you or help you eat a clean diet during winters. Also, make sure that you stay motivated even when the friend is not there. Also, don’t be too hard on your body and listen to it when it’s fatigued.

  • Pencil in the Workouts

Treat your workouts like an appointment so that you don’t make excuses like lack of time to postpone or cancel them.

    • Plan Ahead

Write down the workout you are going to do the next day and just do it. Don’t spend too much time in thinking about workouts and not doing any.

  • Weather Matters

If you prefer outdoor workouts or need to go to the gym, make sure you keep an eye on weather reports and be prepared for emergencies like getting a workout done at home if you can’t go out due to the snowfall.

If you can’t go out because it’s too cold, this is not an excuse to skip workouts. You should seek alternative workouts such as attending online classes.

  • Make a List

Make a list of why you need to get a workout in, and it will help in eliminating excuses like its too cold outside, or I’ll exercise in summer.

  • Don’t be Hasty

When you are trying to follow a healthy regime, be patient for the results to show up. Don’t expect any miracles or instant fixes.

  • Get Good Gear

Invest in some good workout gear like clothes, equipment, footwear, etc. to ensure that you like putting them on before a workout session or enjoy how the equipment feels in your hand.

  • Healthy Comfort Foods

No rule says comfort food has to be chocolates or ice creams, you can find a comfort food that’s healthy too if you put your mind to it. So, you better start looking today!

Featured Image by Steph Claire Smith / Instagram
