Paramore's Hayley Williams Launches goodDYEyoung

Your secret life long dream of getting that vibrant colored hair that Paramore’s Hayley Williams always has might actually come true! Paramore’s frontwoman recently just announced that she is launching a hair dye line along with professional hair and makeup artist, Brian J O’ Connor. The line is to be called: goodDYEyoung and it is even vegan and cruelty free! We are SO excited for this!

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Looks like Hayley is pretty darn excited as well! Check out her announcement and tweets below!

As of now, when you enter their website you are just taken to a page with the photo that Hayley shared along with an option to enter your email to subscribe. The line is set to take off in the next few weeks but if you are interested in staying posted as they prepare, we definitely recommend subscribing to the news letter (there’s even a cute picture of Twenty One Pilot’s Joshua Dun sent to you as a thank you).

We here at CelebMix are so proud of you Hayley, and are extremely excited to see how goodDYEyoung takes off. This line may even motivate a few of us or many others to try something new and be more daring with our hair color. Hayley definitely is the queen of rocking any hair color! So congrats again Hayley and Brian!

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What do you think of Hayley’s launch of goodDYEyoung? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us at @CelebMix
