On Dr. Phil, what happened to Destoni? Know Aggressive Daughter of Melissa The Talks Today

On Dr. Phil, what happened to Destoni? Know Aggressive Daughter of Melissa

On Dr. Phil, what happened to Destoni? Know Aggressive Daughter of Melissa

Melissa’s daughter Destoni is an unruly adolescent who has been on Dr. Phil.

For those who are unfamiliar with Dr. Phil, it is an American talk show that Oprah Winfrey produced and offers advice on living. Dr. Phillip Calvin McGraw, the host of the program, is a seasoned clinical psychologist with more than 25 years of expertise. He assists people with PTSD, anger control problems, mental disease, and many other conditions.

On June 7, 2022, Destoni, a person who has trouble regulating her fury, made an appearance on Dr. Phil. In the episode 101, titled Destoni’s Drama: Will She Accept Help?, she received assistance.

Destoni’s Wikipedia?

Destoni is a student and a youngster who is 14 years old. She is Melissa’s daughter, a typical mother who considers her child’s future.

At a very young age, the teenager struggles with controlling his wrath. Even two different schools expelled her due to her hostile behavior.

The Dr. Phil segment claimed that Destoni threatened her classmates and instructors with violence. She struggled to make friends and was a bully. She was also unable to concentrate on her academics and regular occupations.

Phil queries Desoni after the intermission, “What gives you right to take a butcher knife and chase someone?” Then she admits that she chased her younger sister’s babysitter with a butcher knife because they “kind of bothered” her.

She also acknowledges that due of her violent behavior, she was expelled from each school she attended.

When I get angry, Destoni claims, “I only plan to take it to, like, an argument,” but it eventually escalates to punching, striking, and bumping my head into things.

Michelle, Destoni’s grandmother, and Melissa claim to be concerned about the consequences of Destoni’s disruptive behavior. They thus made an appearance on Dr. Phil in an effort to resolve their teenage daughter’s problems.

What happened to Destoni?

According to Destoni, her anger problems started between the ages of 3 and 4 in the Dr. Phil episode. After kindergarten, her conduct changed, and as she got older, things got worse.

Destoni witnessed her mother being beaten by her father as a young child. Her dad also abandoned the family and was arrested. All of these circumstances confused her developing mind, and she started expressing her feelings by becoming angry. The youngster claims that she and her mother do not get along because she feels responsible for everything.

After hearing everything from the mother and daughter, Phil came to the conclusion that Destoni’s mother was also responsible for the issue. He attributes equal culpability for the problem to Melissa and says the family is broken.

Dr. Phil advises Melissa not to quarrel with her daughter since it would just result in worse fights. She shouldn’t also threaten Destoni with placing her in foster care.

What’s become of Destoni?

Dr. Phil contacted Destoni for a follow-up on June 12, 2022. She was assigned to the RTC family program at the Center for Discovery.

RTC stands for residential therapy, which enables patients to completely concentrate on their recovery by removing them from the outside stressors of life at home. People may socialize and study in a real-world scenario thanks to the program.

According to the most recent episode, Destoni is now receiving anger management training from the Center For Discovery. In a later episode, Dr. Phil will talk to us about her development.
