Neekolul's domestic abuse story backfires on her

Recently, popular TikToker Nicole "Neekolul" Sanchez posted a note on Twitter shedding light on seven years of physical, mental and emotional torture that she lived through as a young woman.

On 14 March, Neekolul had shared a Twitter post in which she talked about a past relationship with an abusive boyfriend. She went into detail about quite a few incidents that took place, and talked about how the ex-boyfriend had called the cops on her.

While most people on the internet ended up showering her with support, quite a few people thought that Neekolul was in truth the perpetrator, and not the victim. Apart from Twitter, Twitch streamer Steven “Destiny” Bonnell did not believe her account, and wanted to know what she did to be booked for domestic abuse.

Neekolul’s abuse and torture story gets questioned, people think she was the perpetrator.

Some of the details that Neekolul mentioned in the Twitter post attracted criticism from the Twitter community. Like Destiny, people thought that she was indeed the perpetrator, and some of her actions were highly questionable as well.

The fact that Neekolul decided to drive all the way to her ex-boyfriend’s house after he had ghosted her seemed over the top. Neekolul had been continuously harassed by her ex-boyfriend, and decided to confront him at his house. However, once she got there, the two got into an argument during which the boyfriend threatened her, according to the account.

However, when he called the police, it was Neekolul who ended up in jail for five hours. Quite a few people have insinuated that some of the details do not make sense. Neekolul effectively admitted to having been booked for domestic abuse, as the ex-boyfriend ended up filing a restraining order against her.

While Neekolul has said that she was the one who got into trouble despite her being the victim, people simply did not believe her account.

In addition to Destiny’s doubts about the situation, various details have emerged about the 2018 conviction against Neekolul. Initially booked under the California Penal Code section 273.5(a), she was charged with “inflicting corporal injury on Spouse/Cohabitant.”

This led to a $25,000 bail and 6 months of anger management classes. She later pleaded for her felony to be reduced to a misdemeanor, which the court agreed to. Her defense was that she had hit him due to a “pent-up reactionary response after being subjected to months of mistreatment in an abusive relationship.”

Neekolul explained the situation later.

While parts of the story are without doubt true, people think that she has made it seem as if she was the victim. In truth, Neekolul has been at-least partly blamed, and criticized for making it seem as if she had done nothing wrong.

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