Ashton Kutcher to Star Magazine: Im not cheating on my wife with my cousin


Do you all remember when Ashton Kutcher considered himself one of the most powerful people on Twitter? I’m not sure he doesn’t still believe that. So when Star Magazine printed a story that inferred Ashton was stepping out on his wife, Mila Kunis, Ashton took to Twitter to school Star on their error:

You should have heard how upset Mila was that I spent the day with our cousin. Sorry aunt Jodie these magazines lack integrity.

— ashton kutcher (@aplusk) July 9, 2017

It’s a good comeback. And honestly, I don’t think Star did a minute of research to find out who the girl was nor did they care – they had a paparazzi shot that they could spin so they posted it. I might even argue that it wasn’t worth the 140 characters to dispute it. But he may have had his cousin in mind, who didn’t want to be the subject of gossip. We also know that Ashton is trying to revamp his image into dutiful husband and father so I suspect that was a large part of his motivation. And Mila deserved to have this discredited, out of respect. But if I am being honest, all it did was remind me that Ashton has such a lousy track record in the fidelity department. Had I just seen the Star headline I wouldn’t have second-guessed it for a minute. I suppose that isn’t fair to Ashton because except for a few questionable reports, he has skirted cheating rumors since he’s been with Mila. If he has changed his spots and been a faithful husband then it’s his right to put it out there. I guess it just sucks to have been his first wife, Demi Moore.

It also could be that Ashton welcomed this little distraction from the trash-can fire that was supposed to be his enlightened gender equality in the workplace forum. Ashton announced on LinkedIn that he would have an open Q & A to discuss how to make the workplace more equal. He posted some questions that he thought could become a launching pad for the discussion. And boy did it. The list of questions started with “What are the Rules for dating in the workplace? Flirting?” and got worse from there. His last question on the list was, “Are these the right questions?” and the answers ranged from NO! to How can you type with your head so far up your own @ss? (my paraphrasing, btw) Joelle Emerson, CEO of Paradigm, had a thoughtful response:

Yikes. These are definitely *not* the right questions. Most rely on flawed assumptions and perpetuate problematic myths.

— Joelle Emerson (@joelle_emerson) July 7, 2017

In his defense, Ashton addressed the feedback directly:

thank you everyone for the feedback on the questions I posted on LinkedIn. Good and bad. Already a learning experience.

— ashton kutcher (@aplusk) July 7, 2017

Looking to host an open live conversation on Monday morning on my FB page about gender equality in the work place

— ashton kutcher (@aplusk) July 7, 2017

I've already offended some folks by asking the wrong questions. I'm certain given the sensitivity of the topic I will say other things wrong

— ashton kutcher (@aplusk) July 7, 2017

Hope we can find space to be wrong in the pursuit of getting it right.

— ashton kutcher (@aplusk) July 7, 2017

We have centuries of ground to make up in a short order & I don't want the basics to be off limits. some clearly don't yet get the basics.

— ashton kutcher (@aplusk) July 7, 2017

If we're going to fight battles they might as well be the ones to change the world.

— ashton kutcher (@aplusk) July 9, 2017

A discussion did take place on Facebook Live yesterday. Obviously, the framework was very different given the response Ashton received. He mentioned the conversation started for him when Natalie Portman admitted that Ashton received much more money than her for No Strings Attached, which Ashton said he had no idea. The he referenced that he’d also learned a lot from Mila’s essay on the subject. He addressed the tone-deaf discussion he tried to start with the LinkedIn post and said that both his business partner, who hosted the FB Live with him, and Mila tore him apart for his carelessness. He said he heard the responses and will learn from it. We’ll see. But Ashton has a history of posting things without enough information and almost always ends up getting burned for it. When will he learn?



Photo credit: WENN Photos and Twitter
